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Showing posts with label ebuilds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebuilds. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Headup Portage Tree

This portage tree is for apps that are not inside the official portage repository and some other packages with some hacks.
If you would like to contribute, report some bugs or send me suggestions, you can send me an email: alvaro[at]headup[dot]ws

Starting Points

How to configure Headup ebuilds


Monday, December 12, 2011

IcePHP-3.2.1 Gentoo ebuild

The Internet Communications Engine, or Ice, is an object-oriented middleware that provides object-oriented Remote Procedure Call, grid computing and Publish/subscribe functionality developed by ZeroC and dual-licensed under the GNU GPL and a proprietary license. It supports C++, Java, . NET languages (such as C# or Visual Basic), Objective-C, Python, PHP, and Ruby on most major operating systems such as Linux, Solaris, Windows, and Mac OS X. A light variant of ICE runtime, called Ice-e, may run inside mobile phones. As its name indicates, the middleware may be used for internet applications without the need to use the HTTP protocol and is capable of traversing firewalls, unlike most other middleware.

Official Site: ICE
Wikipedia info: Wikipedia ICE info.


Preparing the portage tree, more info HERE:

evo ~ # mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/profiles/ evo ~ # echo "Headup Overlay" > /usr/local/portage/profiles/repo_name evo ~ # mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/dev-php5/IcePHP/ evo ~ # echo "PORTDIR_OVERLAY=/usr/local/portage" >> /etc/make.conf evo ~ # cd /usr/local/portage/dev-php5/IcePHP/ evo IcePHP # wget evo IcePHP # ebuild IcePHP-3.2.1 manifest >>> Downloading '' --2011-12-12 12:26:21-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: [following] --2011-12-12 12:26:21-- Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 78072 (76K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: `/usr/portage/distfiles/IcePHP-3.2.1.tar.gz' 100%[=================================================================>] 78,072 103K/s in 0.7s 2011-12-12 12:26:23 (103 KB/s) - `/usr/portage/distfiles/IcePHP-3.2.1.tar.gz' saved [78072/78072] >>> Creating Manifest for /usr/local/portage/dev-php5/IcePHP

Check the files

evo IcePHP # ll total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 994 Dec 2 15:04 IcePHP-3.2.1.ebuild -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 394 Dec 12 12:26 Manifest


Searching in our portage tree and portdir overlay:

evo IcePHP # emerge IcePHP -s Searching... [ Results for search key : IcePHP ] [ Applications found : 1 ] * dev-php5/IcePHP [ Masked ] Latest version available: 3.2.1 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 76 kB Homepage: Description: PHP bindings for the ICE middleware License: GPL-2

Preparing and making our system consistent (good practice):

evo IcePHP # echo dev-php5/IcePHP ~x86 >> /etc/portage/package.keywords evo IcePHP # emerge IcePHP -pv Calculating dependencies... done! >>> Verifying ebuild manifests >>> Emerging (1 of 1) dev-php5/IcePHP-3.2.1 from Headup-Overlay >>> Installing (1 of 1) dev-php5/IcePHP-3.2.1 >>> Jobs: 1 of 1 complete Load avg: 0.82, 1.89, 2.63 * Messages for package dev-php5/IcePHP-3.2.1: * Package: dev-php5/IcePHP-3.2.1 * Repository: Headup-Overlay * USE: elibc_glibc kernel_linux userland_GNU x86 * FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox * Package: dev-php5/IcePHP-3.2.1 * Repository: Headup-Overlay * USE: elibc_glibc kernel_linux userland_GNU x86 * FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox * * You must check the extensions configuration under the php.ini * file, and don't forget to restart your apache web server!! * * Removing /usr/share/info >>> Auto-cleaning packages... >>> No outdated packages were found on your system. * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/dispatch-conf.conf' needs updating. * See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge * man page to learn how to update config files. * IMPORTANT: 6 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news to read news items.

Configure the ICE extension in the PHP extension language.

evo IcePHP # cat /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini ... extension_dir = /etc/php/apache2-php5/ext extension = ice.profiles = /etc/php/apache2-php5/profiles.ini ...

Configure the project profile.

evo IcePHP # cat /etc/php/apache2-php5/profiles.ini [IceProject] ice.config=/home/to/project/configure/client.configure ice.slice=-I/usr/share/Ice/slice /usr/share/Ice/slice/Glacier2/ /home/to/project/Slice/

And restart the apache web server

evo IcePHP # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Stopping apache2 ... [ ok ] * Starting apache2 ... [ ok ]

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DotDotPwn-2.1 Gentoo ebuild

DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer.
It's a very flexible intelligent fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities in software such as Web/FTP/TFTP servers, and Web platforms such as CMSs, ERPs, Blogs, etc. Also, it has a protocol-independent module to send the desired payload to the host and port specified. On the other hand, it also could be used in a scripting way using the STDOUT module. It's written in Perl programming language and can be run either under *NIX or Windows platforms.

Official Site: dotdotpwn
Download Link: **From Chatsubo (IN)Security Dark Labs Mirror **
Official E-mail:

Last version:
DotDotPwn v2.1
Release date: 29/Oct/2010 (PUBLIC Release at BugCon Security Conferences 2010)
Release date: 14/Oct/2010 *NON-PUBLIC Version*


Preparing the portage tree, more info HERE:

evo ~ # mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/profiles/ evo ~ # echo "Headup Overlay" > /usr/local/portage/profiles/repo_name evo ~ # mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/net-analyzer/dotdotpwn/ evo ~ # echo "PORTDIR_OVERLAY=/usr/local/portage" >> /etc/make.conf evo ~ # cd /usr/local/portage/net-analyzer/dotdotpwn/ evo dotdotpwn # wget evo dotdotpwn # ebuild dotdotpwn-2.1.ebuild manifest >>> Downloading '' --2011-09-27 13:51:42-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 27478 (27K) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: `/usr/portage/distfiles/dotdotpwn-v2.1.tar.gz' 100%[==================================================================>] 27,478 33.3K/s in 0.8s 2011-09-27 13:51:44 (33.3 KB/s) - `/usr/portage/distfiles/dotdotpwn-v2.1.tar.gz' saved [27478/27478] >>> Creating Manifest for /usr/local/portage/net-analyzer/dotdotpwn

Look the files

evo dotdotpwn # ll total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 398 Sep 27 13:51 Manifest -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1478 Sep 27 13:51 dotdotpwn-2.1.ebuild

Searching in our portage tree and portdir overlay:

evo dotdotpwn # emerge dotdotpwn -s Searching... [ Results for search key : dotdotpwn ] [ Applications found : 1 ] * net-analyzer/dotdotpwn [ Masked ] Latest version available: 2.1 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 26 kB Homepage: Description: The Directory Traversal Fuzzer. License: GPL-3

Preparing and making our system consistent (good practice):

evo dotdotpwn # echo net-analyzer/dotdotpwn ~x86 >> /etc/portage/package.keywords evo dotdotpwn # echo net-analyzer/dotdotpwn os-detection >> /etc/portage/package.use evo dotdotpwn # echo perl-core/Switch ~x86 >> /etc/portage/package.keywords evo dotdotpwn # emerge dotdotpwn -pv These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ~] perl-core/Switch-2.160.0 14 kB [0] [ebuild N ] net-analyzer/nmap-5.51 USE="ssl -gtk -lua" 16,474 kB [0] [ebuild N ] perl-core/Time-HiRes-1.97.19 86 kB [0] [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Log-Agent-0.307.0 54 kB [0] [ebuild N ] dev-perl/yaml-0.71 111 kB [0] [ebuild N ] app-portage/g-cpan-0.16.2 28 kB [0] [ebuild N ~] net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1 USE="os-detection" 0 kB [1] Total: 7 packages (7 new), Size of downloads: 16,765 kB Portage tree and overlays: [0] /usr/portage [1] /usr/local/portage * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news to read news items.

And now, we are good to go.... merging....!!!!!!

evo dotdotpwn # emerge dotdotpwn ....... ....... ....... >>> Emerging (7 of 7) net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1 from Headup-Overlay * dotdotpwn-v2.1.tar.gz RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ... [ ok ] ........ ........ If you don't have CPAN installed, you will see a lot of lines with CPAN and CPAN Modules installation.... Do not worry, just hit enter in every question.... ........ ........ >>> Unpacking source... ........ ........ >>> Install dotdotpwn-2.1 into /var/tmp/portage/net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1/image/ category net-analyzer >>> Completed installing dotdotpwn-2.1 into /var/tmp/portage/net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1/image/ >>> Installing (7 of 7) net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1 ........ ........ >>> Recording net-analyzer/dotdotpwn in "world" favorites file. ........ ........ * Messages for package net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1: * Package: net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1 * Repository: Headup-Overlay * USE: elibc_glibc kernel_linux os-detection userland_GNU x86 * FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox * Package: net-analyzer/dotdotpwn-2.1 * Repository: Headup-Overlay * USE: elibc_glibc kernel_linux os-detection userland_GNU x86 * FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox * nothing to compile * Removing /usr/share/info >>> Auto-cleaning packages... >>> No outdated packages were found on your system. * IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news to read news items.

And now everything is in place, libs and files.

evo dotdotpwn # cd evo ~ # ll /etc/dotdotpwn/ total 64 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 606 Sep 27 14:09 AUTHORS.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3851 Sep 27 14:09 CHANGELOG.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6671 Sep 27 14:09 EXAMPLES.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35147 Sep 27 14:09 LICENSE.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2490 Sep 27 14:09 README.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2964 Sep 27 14:09 USAGE.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 85 Sep 27 14:09 payload_sample.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 48 Sep 27 14:09 retrieved_files evo ~ # ll /usr/bin/dotdotpwn* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Sep 27 14:09 /usr/bin/dotdotpwn -> /usr/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9135 Sep 27 14:09 /usr/bin/ evo ~ # ll `perl -e 'use strict; print map {"$INC{$_}"} keys %INC' | awk '{sub("","") ; print }'`/DotDotPwn total 44 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2235 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 796 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2134 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1787 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1739 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1818 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 527 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2089 Sep 27 04:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9681 Sep 27 04:32

And finally.... have fun!!!!!

Thanks to @nitr0usmx and @chr1x for giving us dotdotpwn, and like they said... Happy fuzzing! ;)