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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Solve Ceph Clock Skew error

Monitors can be severely affected by significant clock skews across the monitor nodes. This usually translates into weird behavior with no obvious cause. To avoid such issues, you should run a clock synchronization tool on your monitor nodes by default the monitors will allow clocks to drift up to 0.05 seconds.

This error can be seen using:

# ceph -s
# ceph health detail

root@ceph01:~# ceph -s
cluster 9227547b-bb6b-44f7-b877-3f6d25b942a4
clock skew detected on mon.ceph01
monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph01=,ceph02=,ceph03=}
election epoch 24, quorum 0,1,2 ceph01,ceph02,ceph03
mdsmap e17: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph01=up:active}
osdmap e245: 22 osds: 22 up, 22 in
pgmap v14727: 1408 pgs, 5 pools, 11977 MB data, 3183 objects
24729 MB used, 16361 GB / 16385 GB avail
1408 active+clean

The solution? just re-sync the clock in the affected mon, and restart the mon daemon.

root@ceph01:~# service ntp stop
* Stopping NTP server ntpd
root@ceph01:~# ntpdate
16 Nov 01:24:16 ntpdate[4149434]: adjust time server offset -0.002235 sec
root@ceph01:~# ntpd -gq
ntpd: time slew +0.003482s
root@ceph01:~# service ntp start
* Starting NTP server ntpd
root@ceph01:~# restart ceph-mon-all
ceph-mon-all start/running

Just to be sure, sometimes it will be better if you sync the clock on all Mon

Also, this default parameter (0.05 seconds) can be changed in the ceph config file, but that you can doesn't mean that you should, the default value is a perfect configuration.

root@ceph01:~# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

mon clock drift allowed = 10


Check again the cluster status, sometimes it takes a few seconds, like 30 seconds.

root@ceph01:~# ceph -s
cluster 9227547b-bb6b-44f7-b877-3f6d25b942a4
health HEALTH_OK
monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph01=,ceph02=,ceph03=}
election epoch 24, quorum 0,1,2 ceph01,ceph02,ceph03
mdsmap e17: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph01=up:active}
osdmap e245: 22 osds: 22 up, 22 in
pgmap v14727: 1408 pgs, 5 pools, 11977 MB data, 3183 objects
24729 MB used, 16361 GB / 16385 GB avail
1408 active+clean

Cloning a Ceph client auth key

 I don't recall any reason to do this other than using the same user and auth key to authenticate in different Ceph clusters, like in a multi-backend solution, or just because things get messy when you are not using a default configuration.

Sometimes, things get easy when we use the same user and auth key on both clusters for services to connect to, so let's see some background commands for managing users, keys, and permissions:

Create a new user and auth token (cinder client example):

root@ceph-admin:~# ceph auth get-or-create client.jerry
key: AQAZT05WoQuzJxAAX5BKxCbPf93CwihuHo27VQ==

So as you see the key is not a parameter, in a different server this will produce a completely different key.
Just to check, print the complete list of keys:

root@ceph-admin:~# ceph auth list
installed auth entries:

key: AQCvCbtToC6MDhAATtuT70Sl+DymPCfDSsyV4w==
caps: [mon] allow profile osd
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQC4CbtTCFJBChAAVq5spj0ff4eHZICxIOVZeA==
caps: [mon] allow profile osd
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQBHCbtT6APDHhAA5W00cBchwkQjh3dkKsyPjw==
caps: [mds] allow
caps: [mon] allow *
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQAZT05WoQuzJxAAX5BKxCbPf93CwihuHo27VQ==

Or print a user’s authentication key to standard output, execute the command in the following format

ceph auth print-key {TYPE}.{ID}

root@ceph-admin:~# ceph auth print-key client.jerry

To change this in order to match with others, we need to update their keys and/or their capabilities, the import command is for this, remember their keys and their capabilities will update on existing users and create new ones, use the following format:

ceph auth import -i /path/to/keyring

The keyring file needs to be in this format, if not, the command will not work and the part of the work, it will just hang.

root@ceph-admin:~# cat jerry.key
key = AQAMP01WS8i8ERAAPspjwMzUm4SL00n+WppM6A==

Now we can update the auth key for the user jerry:

root@ceph-admin:~# auth import -i ./jerry.key
imported keyring

List again.

root@ceph-admin:~# ceph auth list
installed auth entries:

key: AQCvCbtToC6MDhAATtuT70Sl+DymPCfDSsyV4w==
caps: [mon] allow profile osd
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQC4CbtTCFJBChAAVq5spj0ff4eHZICxIOVZeA==
caps: [mon] allow profile osd
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQBHCbtT6APDHhAA5W00cBchwkQjh3dkKsyPjw==
caps: [mds] allow
caps: [mon] allow *
caps: [osd] allow *
key: AQAMP01WS8i8ERAAPspjwMzUm4SL00n+WppM6A==

Done, I will continue posting these little helping tricks until the last post about multi-backend ceph is out.